Public Participation: Review of IDP / MTREF / Budget Policies / SDF for 2025/2026
Public Participation on the Review of the Integrated Development Plan 2025/2026, Sectoral Plans, MTREF Budget 2025/2026 – 2027/28, Budget Related Policies, Spatial Development Framework and Progress report on the implementation of the Budget 2024/2025 Community participation is key to the functioning of local government. One of the constitutional objects of local government is to encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in local government. The Municipal System Act 32 of 2000, Chapter 4 Sections 16 (1) and (2) provides for a culture of community participation and, 17 (1) and (2) provides for mechanisms, processes and procedures for community participation and lastly, Section 17 (2) (e) instructs the municipality to report back to the local communities.
Given the above, the city has taken the approach to utilise other platforms and mechanisms such as social media and newspapers in updating the stakeholders on the progress made regarding the 2024/2025 Budget implementation. Moreover, this platform seeks to solicit comments on the implementation and further inputs on the review of the 2025/2026 IDP and Budget in order to realise the contents of sections referred above.
Attached hereto is the progress on the implementation of the 2024/2025 budget. Furthermore, all written submissions, inputs and comments on the IDP review 2025/2026 can be forwarded to the attention IDP Office at, alternatively, physical submissions at all Mangaung municipal offices across all regions or through Ward Councillors and Ward Committee Members or Contact at 051 405 8103/8874/8118. Closing date for all is Friday, 28 February 2025.