Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) 2020 / 2021

Foreword by the Executive Mayor
Click here to download the PDF on the Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan 2020/2021 (SDBIP)
The 2020/2021 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) translate the strategic vision and Service Delivery Objectives of Mangaung Metropolitan into specific and measurable action programmes and projects. It commits Mangaung Metropolitan to the delivery contract entered with the diverse stakeholders of our community during the Integrated Development Planning (IDP) and Budget consultative processes which concluded into Council approval of the IDP and Budget. The SDBIP entrenches the accountability requirement that the entire administration and Council has to the broader and diverse community of Mangaung. It outlines the actual programmes and projects that the municipality will be implementing using the approved Medium-Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF) covering the 2020/2021 – 2022/2023.
The 2020/2021 Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) review is aligned accordingly with the recent adjustment budget which provides for Municipal Cost Containment Regulations to be implemented by all departments. This includes debt collection levels for all services that must be improved such that all departments contribute to revenue collection. It further, aligns with the reporting reforms of Circular 88 as introduced by National Treasury and as well as the Back to Basics approach by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.
The financial year 2020/2021 is going to be a very tough year for Mangaung due to the challenges associated with the financial distress we are currently facing and the repercussions of Covid -19. Let us therefore work together to achieve our vision and making Mangaung the best place to live and working together with the Team of Administrators as deployed by the Provincial Government, even under these trying times, we are committed to achieving our vision of establishing a City that is “globally safe and attractive to work, invest and live in”.